Our Cold Brew Sanitization Methods

Our customer’s safety is of the utmost importance to us at Brew House Coffee Company. We follow a very strict sanitization process that ensures our cold brewed coffee, from bean to grounds to finished product, never comes into human contact. We also ensure that all equipment and bottling supplies are thoroughly sanitized. The Department of Health visited our production space and were very pleased with the attention to detail we placed on food safety.

For more information, please see a detailed explanation of our food handling and sanitization processes.


  • All of our brewing equipment is sanitized with a brewery strength sanitizer for no less than the recommended contact time.

  • We feed our coffee beans directly into our large coffee grinder and catch them back into the original bag.

  • The ground coffee is then dumped into the brewing kettles and is filled with the appropriate level of water, capped and left to brew.


  • Before beginning the bottling process, all equipment to be used, including strainers, buckets, bowls, bottles and caps, is sanitized.

  • All coffee is strained and then filtered and never comes in direct human contact.

  • After filtering, bottles are filled using a sanitized bottling bucket. Sanitized caps are used to seal the bottles.


  • Delivery: Upon delivering your coffee, we wipe down your bottles with a sanitized wipe and leave it in the agreed upon location.

  • Pick-Up: We wipe down our cooler with a sanitized wipe and then do the same to the bottles prior to placing them in the cooler. We also provide a pump bottle of hand sanitizer next to the cooler for additional safety.

  • Note: Any empties we get via delivery and pick-up go through a dishwashing cycle followed by a thorough sanitization process. All caps get discarded.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out!